- SpEL Spring 表达式语言
- Framework open for extension close for modification.
- Portable Service Abstraction.
- Rest Template Rest 客户端
- @PathVariable
- AOP AspectJ Pointcut
- @Aspect LoggingAspect
- Proceeding JointPoint
- javax.servlet.Filter
- Auto Config
- class path
- spring.factories
- @Configuration
- Spring Security Login/Logout
- Cross Site Request Forgery
- Logout Form
- HttpServletRequest
- Principal getUserPrincipal
- FilterChainProxy
- Authentication
- Session Fixation
- WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
- UserDetailService.java
- UserDetails.java
- Authentication.java
- AuthenticationManager
- AuthenticationProvider
- DaoAuthenticationProvider
- DataSource
- logoutSucessHandler
- ControllerAdvice
- Principal
- Chain of Responsibility
- SLF4J(Simple Logging Facade for Java)
- log4j, logback, and JDK 1.4 logging
- org.springframework.core.env
- profile & Properties & Context
- Logger, Environment
- @Around
- @EnableConfigurationProperties
- Apache Commons commons lang
- LiquibaseProperties
- ApplicationProperties
- InitializatingBean
- @Configuration
- @EnableAsync
- javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory
- DateTimeFormatterRegistrar
- Jackson 处理 JSON
- AngularCookieLocaleResolver
- Logstash
- Logback
- addFilterBefore Servlet Filter
- HttpSecurity 在 Spring Security 中
- sessionCreationPolicy STATELESS
- authorizedRequests
- ExpressionInterceptUrlRegistry
- AntPathMatcher Ant风格的路径匹配
- SecurityConfigurerAdapter
- DefaultSecurityFilterChain, HttpSecurity
- InitializingBean
- openSSL rand -based64 64
- UserMapper MapStruct DTO
- stream